How To Make An Irish Man Cream

I posted this for the past four Christmases from the archives of the now-defunct BarstoolGOLD page that was universally loved by everyone who enjoyed paying for content.

Giphy Images.

So now… Thanks to me… Fat drunks who never coughed up the dough for GOLD and are asking for the recipe again can see it here… FOR FREE!!!!!

I love that I am posting this on the same day Dante is posting a lasagna recipe… Just to friendly co-workers promoting racial stereotypes without even thinking.

I will give you all the measurements, but I implore you to watch the video still, only so you don't fuck it up and curdle the cream.


- 1 cup Heavy Cream

- 14-ounce can of Sweetened Condensed Milk

- 1 tsp Vanilla Extract

- 1/2 tsp Almond Extract (it's strong, so don't eyeball)

- 1 tsp Instant Coffee

- 3 tbsps Chocolate Syrup

- up to 2 cups cold Irish Whiskey (a little more or a little less, depending on your taste)

Keep refrigerated and serve chilled over ice… Or add to your coffee.


3 small notes…

1) As mentioned in the video, add the whiskey gradually, and don't have the blender cranked too high… Lowest setting possible.  We're looking to combine ingredients, not make butter.

2) I find simply doubling the recipe doesn't work well (plus it requires a HUGE blender), so I make multiple small batches.

3) This concoction will last in the fridge for the expiration date on the cream you used… Perhaps write that on the label.

Merry Christmas… Happy 52nd Birthday to me… AND a not-so-happy birthday to the Ku Klux Klan.

Take a report.


The Klan started on Christmas Eve, 1865 in Pulaski, TN… Learn about other unfortunate Christmas tragedies in this week's Twisted History Holiday Extravaganza which drops later tonight.



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